Ashley is our newest member to join the team here at KDS, with a wealth of knowledge in Childrens’ dentistry and Aesthetic dentistry. She is a Kumeu born and bred girl, that left our Kumeu-nity for a little while and returned in 2019. Ashley studied Oral health at the School of Dentistry at Otago. She has worked for the DHB […]
Here are 3 tips to get your aligner looking as clear as possible. Have you got any handy #Invisalife hacks? Let us know in the replies below — Invisalign UK & IE (@invisalign_ukie) August 4, 2017 They help you chew, speak and smile, but how much do you really know about your teeth? Here are some of the “tooth truths” that prove your teeth really are remarkable. 1. People have been caring for their teeth for centuries. Did you know the first toothbrushes were actually twigs our ancestors chewed on, using the frayed ends to […]